PROPERTY: 309-321 W. Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19119

August 19, 2024
PHS Volunteers

West Mt. Airy Neighbors Zoning Committee Meeting: 9/4/2024 @ 7:00 PM

Location: Summit Presbyterian Church, 6757 Greene St.(corner of Westview) 2nd Floor Parlor, Philadelphia, PA 19119 – enter on Greene St.

Property Owner: HP Mount Pleasant Realty, LLC, 100 Horizon Street Boulevard
Hamilton, NJ 08692
Responsible Officers:
Michael Schutz and Hiren Patel
100 Horizon Street Boulevard
Hamilton, NJ 08692
Architect: Sergio Coscia – Coscia Moos Architecture, LLC

Property Description:
Address: 309-321 W. Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19119
Size: Lot Area: 18,545 SF
Nearest Cross Streets: W. Mt. Pleasant Avenue & Lincoln Drive
Zoning District: CMX-2

Project Description: A 5-story commercial mixed-use building with a cellar to be located on a property designated by Zoning District CMX-2 by right. The cellar will comprise of a fitness room, storage, and building support spaces. The ground floor will comprise of retail space, mailboxes, a package room, a bicycle storage room, a residential lobby, and building support spaces. The second through fifth floors will comprise of 66 residential studio, 1-bedroom, and 2-bedroom apartments, 7 of which will be maintained as low-income affordable units. The roof will comprise of an outdoor roof deck accessible to tenants only.

2024 08 13 – 309 W Mt Pleasant – CDR Package PART 1

2024 08 13 – 309 W Mt Pleasant – CDR Package PART 2

2024 08 13 – 309 W Mt Pleasant – CDR Package PART 3

532 W Ellet Street: ZP-2024-004322

July 31, 2024

West Mt. Airy Neighbors Zoning Committee Meeting: 9/4/2024 @ 7:00 PM

Location: Summit Presbyterian Church, 6757 Greene St.(corner of Westview) 2nd Floor Parlor, Philadelphia, PA 19119 – enter on Greene St.


Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment Hearing: October 2, 2024 @ 9:30 AM on ZOOM.


Applicant: Dennis Lee DBA: The Consulting Group, LLC; 5070 Parkside Ave. – Suite 1403, Philadelphia, PA 19131

Owner: Mark A. Lightfoot

Appeal to Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment: Application No. ZP-2024-004322

Zoning Board of Adjustment Calendar No. MI-2024-003373


The appeal requests to use the property for two-family household living in an existing structure.

The Zoning Classification for the property is RSA-3 (Single-Family Residential)

This application to the Department of Licenses and Inspections was REFUSED because two-family household living is prohibited in the RSA-3 single family residential zoning district.


Appeal Description 532 W. Ellet St. 7-2-2024


532 Floor plan for 3 Units

532WElletstCity of Philadelphia _ Project Information Form

532 W. Ellet RCO Packet

Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4Pic 5, Pic 6

7238 Bryan Street ZP-2023-004951

December 5, 2023
PHS Volunteers

7238 Bryan St.

Applicant: Morris Zimmerman, 4818 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, PA 191423

Owner: Elayne Blender & Itzik Lorant

Attorney: Steve Masters, JustLaws, 621 W. Mount Airy Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19119

Appeal to Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment: 

   Application No. ZP-2023-004951; 

   Zoning Board of Adjustment Calendar No. MI-2023-005618.

Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment Hearing: Wednesday, February  21, 2024 @ 9:30AM.

This is an appeal to legalize a deck at the rear of the existing attached single-family home.  

The Zoning Classification for the property is RSA-5 (Single-Family Residential)

The application to the Department of Licenses and Inspections was REFUSED because the deck has a stair going to the ground that is not permitted if the principal building is an attached building.  Also, the permitted maximum occupied area of the property is 75% (923.61 sq. ft.).  The proposed occupied area of the property will be 78.79 % (958 sq. ft.).  The required minimum rear yard depth is 9 feet.  The proposed rear yard depth is 6.3 feet.


Google Maps Photo

6401 Wayne Avenue #ZP-2023-006432

October 30, 2023
PHS Volunteers

Description of the Property: This vacant property is the former longtime home of the Green Tree School. The site consists of a main building, approximately 6,500 SQ FT, and a garage/carriage house, approximately 500 SQ FT. The property has an existing curb cut connecting to a driveway with four off-street parking spaces.

Description of the Project: The applicant aims to convert this former school into 8 apartments – 7 apartments to be located in the main building and 1 apartment to be located in the carriage house. A new dormer will be constructed on the carriage house and an additional 4 parking spaces will be added for a total of 8 off street parking spaces.

Summary of Refusal: The current single family zoning does not allow multi-family household living and does not allow the carriage house to be converted into a living space. The addition of a dormer is not allowed on the carriage house because the structure is too close to the rear boundary. There are two parking related refusals because one parking space is too close to the front boundary and one of the parking spaces is not van accessible.


Google Earth + Surrounding Zoning

Google Earth Site Plan of Parking

Notice of Refusal 9_18_23

Notice of Refusal for uses 7_25_23

Photo package

Revised site plan

Site plans for individual units


20-30 W. Allens Lane #ZP-2022-004845

July 30, 2022

630 Glen Echo Road #ZP-2022-003761

July 30, 2022
PHS Volunteers

630 Glen Echo Road

Appeal to Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment- Application No.: #ZP-2022-003761

WMAN RCO Meeting: 8/3/22@7:00 PM on ZOOM 

Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment Hearing Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2022@9:30 AM

The appeal is for the erection of an addition at the rear of an existing semi-detached single-family home.

The application to the Department of Licenses and Inspections was refused for the following reasons:

The dimensional standards for this property located in an RSA-2 Residential Zoning District require an 8 foot wide side yard.  If the addition is constructed the side yard width will be reduced to 6 ft. 3 inches.

Project Downloads:

Letter of Support to ZBA 9-2-2022

Zoning Presentation
Letter to Neighbors
Exhibit Package

6808 Lincoln Drive #ZP-2022-000306

May 23, 2022
PHS Volunteers

6808 Lincoln Drive

Appeal to Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment #ZP-2022-000306, Zoning Board of Adjustment Calendar No. MI-2022-001816

WMAN RCO Meeting: 5/4/22@7:00 PM 

Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment Hearing Date: 6/8/22@2:00 PM

The appeal involves the construction of an addition to an existing accessory garage to be used as an accessory dwelling unit on the same property with an existing detached single family dwelling.

The application to the Department of Licenses and Inspections was refused for the following reasons:

The property is located in a RSD-3 Residential Zoning Classification District.

1) Accessory Dwelling Units are not permitted in the RSD-3 Zoning District.

2) An accessory structure for residential use cannot exceed 130 sq. ft. and 15 feet in height, whereas the plans propose a structure that will have 558 sq. ft. and will be 23 feet in height.

3) The floor area of an accessory dwelling unit may not exceed 800 sq. ft., whereas the plans propose a floor area of 1116 sq. ft.

4) The Zoning Code requires two side yards with a minimum of 10 feet and a total side yard area of 25 feet, whereas the proposed side yard is 1.7 feet.

Project Downloads:

Support Letter 6-7-22

Exhibit Package
Letter to Neighbors
Revised Zoning Submission

601 W. Cliveden Street #ZP-2021-015360

May 23, 2022
PHS Volunteers

601 W. Cliveden Street – Cliveden Hall Apartments

Appeal to Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment #ZP-2021-015360, Zoning Board of Adjustment Calendar No. MI-2022-000295

WMAN RCO Meeting: 11.1.23 @7pm via Zoom

Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment Hearing Date: December 13, 2023 

The appeal involves an existing 60-unit 5 story apartment building at the intersection of W. Cliveden St., Lincoln Drive and Wayne Ave.  The applicant is asking for approval to legalize two existing apartment units in the building and add five more units.  No change is proposed to the height or area of the existing building.

The application to the Department of Licenses and Inspections was refused for the following reasons:

  • The property is located in a RSD-3 Residential Zoning Classification which expressly prohibits multi-family use.

Project Downloads:

Floor Plans
Site Plan
Notification Letter

ZBA Application for Appeal

Letter to ZBA 7-16-22



6811 Quincy Street #ZP-2022-001426

May 23, 2022
PHS Volunteers

6811 Quincy Street

Appeal to Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment #ZP-2022-001426, Zoning Board of Adjustment Calendar No. MI-2022-001684

WMAN RCO Meeting: 5/4/22@7:00 PM 

Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment Hearing Date: 8/10/22@9:30 AM

The appeal involves an existing residence and rear carriage house.  It is proposed to have three dwelling units on the property.  The long-time owners are seeking approval to use the third floor as a separate rental apartment and to use the rear carriage house as another rental unit.  Four off-street parking will be provided.

The application to the Department of Licenses and Inspections was refused for the following reasons:

  • The property is located in a RSD-3 Residential Zoning Classification which expressly prohibits multi-family household living.

Project Downloads:

WMAN Approval Letter 8-7-2022

Letter to WMAN

133 W. Washington Ave #ZP-2023-000915

May 19, 2022
PHS Volunteers

133 W Washington Lane

Applicant: Alan Nochumson D.B.A. Nochumson P.C., 123 S. Broad St. Suite 1600, Philadelphia,
PA 19109
Owner: King Olalekan
Appeal to Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment: Application No. ZP-2023-000915
Zoning Board of Adjustment Calendar No. MI-2023-004887

West Mt. Airy Neighbors Zoning Committee Meeting: 5/3/2023 @ 7:00 PM on ZOOM
Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment Hearing: June 28, 2023 @3:30 PM on ZOOM)

The appeal requests to use the property as a four-family dwelling.
The Zoning Classification for the property is RSA-3 (Single Family Residential)
This application to the Department of Licenses and Inspections was REFUSED because:
1. multi-family household living is prohibited in an RSA-3 Zoning District.
2. 4 parking spaces are required and 0 are proposed.


Project Downloads:


Exhibit Package
Rev Drawing

Letter of Support to ZBA 6-2-2023

Photo of Property and Mailing Notice to Neighbors