Mission & Goals

Who We Are
West Mount Airy Neighbors (WMAN) is a member-supported, nonprofit civic organization whose mission is to support and advocate for the needs and concerns of the West Mount Airy community, nurture our social fabric in all its diversity, and help protect and steward the inevitable transformation of our beloved physical and natural environments.
Please join or renew your membership today!
To fulfill our mission, WMAN currently focuses on the following key areas:

Quality of Life as Social Fabric
Holds informational programs with expert speakers and panelists on issues such as structural racism, housing equity, zoning, public safety, schools, environmental/ ecological issues, and other matters our residents identify as crucial to the well-being of our neighborhood
Collaborates with East Mt Airy in the annual Mt Airy Day and other jointly organized events

Neighborhood Transformation
Serves as the registered community organization (RCO) for West Mt Airy, hearing appeals for zoning variances in open community meetings
Supports neighbors who are experiencing the pressures of rapid urban development to meet with developers, city officials, and others to understand how development processes work and how neighbors can become active in helping shape their immediate environment’s transformations
Serves as a clearing house for information and processes in historic preservation efforts in West Mt Airy in collaboration with other civic organizations
Works closely with the Mt Airy Business Improvement District and Mt Airy CDC to help keep the Germantown commercial corridor a thriving, mixed-use environment

Climate Justice & Environment
Our mission states that we are dedicated to preserving the quality of life in West Mt. Airy.
Our current initiatives include Keep Mt. Airy Green, Litter Reduction & Elimination & Eco Village.

Children & Youth
Coming soon!
Get Involved
To fulfill our mission and goals, WMAN depends on the active membership and participation of West Mt Airy residents, businesses, and civic organizations. We welcome the involvement of our community members! For more information about WMAN, our board of directors, our programs, or events please contact us at westmtairyneighbors@gmail.com.