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West Mt. Airy Happenings

Did your property taxes go up? Here are some things you can do.
Philadelphia released new “assessments” of property values, which they will use to calculate 2023 property tax bills. If your assessed value went up, your property taxes will, too. Based on the current tax rate, for every $10,000 in increased value, your yearly tax...

Mt Airy Baseball registration is open!
Keep Mt. Airy Green
WMAN is committed to preserving and growing Mt. Airy’s lush tree canopy. That means planting new trees and replacing those that are aging. It also means working hard for tree equity – planting trees on less shady blocks. It takes all of us, working together, and...

Tree Tenders Training
Dear Neighbors, Our local Tree Tenders group is looking for new members to help Mt Airy maintain and expand our tree canopy in West and East Mt Airy. We took a big hit during Covid and lots of work needs to be done to plant new trees and take care of ones that were...
Christmas Tree Recycling
January 2, 2022 12:30 – 3:30 PM at Upsala House Bring your Christmas tree to Historic Upsala House, 6430 Germantown Avenue, on January 2, any time between 12:30 and 3:30 PM to be recycled. All decorations must be removed from trees Minimum $5 donation per tree...
Please Support Our Annual Appeal
Dear Neighbors, My family and I moved back to Philly three years ago after fifteen years of living in Los Angeles. There was no question in our minds about what part of the city we’d live in because Mt. Airy has always been THE place we imagined ourselves. This...
Philly Leaf Recycling
A message from the Philadelphia Streets Department 2021 Philly Leaf Recycling Program Northwest Philly Collection Dates Dec 6th – 17th (Additional dates for Drop Off – See below for more detail) The Streets Department’s 2021 Philly Leaf Recycling Program...
Free Tree Giveaway
Sign up today It’s Yard Tree Giveaway Season! West Mt. Airy Neighbors and East Mt. Airy Neighbors have partnered with TreePhilly to host a Free Yard Tree Giveaway for neighbors in the 19119 and 19150 zip code areas. All trees given through this program must be...
Community Meeting Notice
Pending Road Closure Greetings Neighbors, The Philadelphia Water Department will hold a virtual meeting with members of the community and Councilwoman Bass’s office to provide information about the upcoming construction project and subsequent closure of...
Help Keep Mt. Airy Litter Free
Help Keep Mt. Airy Litter Free: It takes a team to keep it clean E-mail for more information about the Mt. Airy Trash Team – Earn Weaver’s Way Membership hours by picking up litter. Add your hours with this form. Follow...