532 W. Ellet St.
Applicant: Mildred Brooks DBA Task Business Consulting and Management, 1231 N. 50th St., Philadelphia, PA 19131
Owner: Mark A. Lightfoot
Appeal to Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment: Application No. ZP-2022-007082
Zoning Board of Adjustment Calendar No. MI-2022-007585
West Mt. Airy Neighbors Zoning Committee Meeting: CANCELED
Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment Hearing: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 @9:30 AM.
The appeal requests to use the property for two-family household living in an existing structure.
The Zoning Classification for the property is RSA-3 (Single-Family Residential)
This application to the Department of Licenses and Inspections was REFUSED because two-family household living is prohibited in the RSA-3 single family residential zoning district.
Project Downloads:
532 W. Ellet St. Appeal Description – REV 6-26-2023