7211 Cresheim Road
Applicant: Michael Campuzano
Owners: Wayne Batchis and Leah Snyder Batchis, 7211 Cresheim Road, Philadelphia, PA 19119
Appeal to Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment: Application No. ZP-2022-007050
Zoning Board of Adjustment Calendar No. MI-2022-004887
West Mt. Airy Neighbors Zoning Committee Meeting: 1/4/2023 @ 7:00 PM on ZOOM
Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment Hearing: January 25, 2023 @3:30 PM on ZOOM
The appeal is for the erection of a roof deck above an existing single family detached single family home.
The Zoning Classification for the property is RSA-3 (Single-Family use only) with several Overlays and Steep Slope Protection.
This application to the Department of Licenses and Inspections was REFUSED for the following reason: The proposed setback of the roof deck from the extreme front of the house is 0 feet while the required setback is 5 feet.
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Project Downloads:
ZBA Letter of Support 1-22-2023