133 W Washington Lane
Applicant: Alan Nochumson D.B.A. Nochumson P.C., 123 S. Broad St. Suite 1600, Philadelphia,
PA 19109
Owner: King Olalekan
Appeal to Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment: Application No. ZP-2023-000915
Zoning Board of Adjustment Calendar No. MI-2023-004887
West Mt. Airy Neighbors Zoning Committee Meeting: 5/3/2023 @ 7:00 PM on ZOOM
Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment Hearing: June 28, 2023 @3:30 PM on ZOOM)
The appeal requests to use the property as a four-family dwelling.
The Zoning Classification for the property is RSA-3 (Single Family Residential)
This application to the Department of Licenses and Inspections was REFUSED because:
1. multi-family household living is prohibited in an RSA-3 Zoning District.
2. 4 parking spaces are required and 0 are proposed.
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