136 W. Sharpnack Street
Appeal to Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment #ZP-2021-011393, Zoning Board of Adjustment Calendar #MI-2021-004758
WMAN RCO Meeting 3/2/2022, Follow-Up WMAN RCO Meeting 4/6/2022@7:00 PM-ZOOM
Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting 3/23/22@3:30PM-CONTINUED
The appeal involves the erection of a semi-detached building with a covered porch, rear deck, roof deck and roof deck access structure on a property that has an RSA-3 single family residential zoning classification.
The application to the Department of Licenses and Inspections was refused for the following reasons:
1) A deck located between the rear wall of the proposed building and the rear property line must be constructed so that all vertical support elements are located a minimum distance of 18 inches from all lot lines. This application does not meet this requirement.
2) The minimum side yard width for a semi-detached structure in the RSA-3 residential zoning district is 8.0 feet. This application proposes a side yard width of 4.127 feet.
3) A minimum of one (1) accessory parking space is required for a single-family household in the RSA-3 single family residential zoning district. No accessory parking is proposed in this application.