Learn how to apply for traffic calming on your neighborhood street


August 2nd Zoom presentation at 4pm Co-presented by the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia and WMAN Traffic Calming Committee Learn how to request a traffic safety study that can lead to your neighborhood street getting speed cushions, additional signage, re-striping, and other forms of traffic calming measures. RSVP to receive Zoom meeting link.  

SLOW DOWN on Lincoln Drive

Emlen Circle Emlen & Lincoln Drive, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Walk Lincoln Drive with us to observe the unsafe conditions on Lincoln Drive. Demand traffic calming and automated speed enforcement on Mt Airy's most dangerous street. RSVP Now  

Street Tree Planting Day – Volunteers Needed

Help us plant trees to expand Mt. Airy's tree canopy. Meet at Carpenter Lane Train Station at 8:30 am. RSVP here. or contact Anne Dicker to find out more: anne.dicker@gmail.com

Yard Tree Giveaway – Volunteers Needed

Volunteers needed for WMAN's yard tree giveaway. Pleasant Playground - Chew & Pleasant Avenues 9 am to 11 am. Volunteers needed. Email anne.dicker@gmail.com for more information.

Northwest Community Candidate Forum: City Councilmember-at-Large

Grace Baptist Church 25 W. Johnson St., Philadelphia, PA, United States

With the support of the Lenfest Institute's Every Voice, Every Vote initiative, several Northwest Philadelphia community organizations have partnered to give residents a chance to hear from candidates for city offices ahead of the May 16 primary. Please join us on Monday, April 17, from 7-8:30 p.m. to hear from candidates Nina Ahmad, Erika Almirón, Jim...

Northwest Community Candidate Forum: City Council District 8

Germantown Jewish Centre 400 W. Ellet St., Philadelphia, United States

With the support of the Lenfest Institute's Every Voice, Every Vote initiative, several Northwest Philadelphia community organizations have partnered to give residents a chance to hear from candidates for city offices ahead of the May 16 primary. Please join us on Wednesday, April 26, from 7-8:30 p.m. to hear from Councilmember Cindy Bass and her challenger, Seth...

Summer Socials at the EcoLab

Every Friday Night in July from 6pm to 8pm, weather permitting Please join us on Friday nights in July from 6-8 pm at the back of the Carpenter Lane Station at our burgeoning EcoLab. It's the perfect opportunity to connect with neighbors while exploring progress at the site! Cold treats! One of our most urgent...


Lincoln Drive Traffic Calming Plan Community Presentation


The long-anticipated Lincoln Drive Traffic Calming plan is finally complete. Come here the plans to make Lincoln Drive safer for everyone. City of Philadelphia Streets Department and PennDOT to present plans and implementation timelines. Meeting via Zoom. Register now.

Save the Chestnut Hill West train – Virtual Community Meeting


Meeting to discuss implications of SEPTA's $240M budget deficit and the Chestnut Hill West Regional Rail line. Co-hosted by West Mt Airy Neighbors, West Central Germantown Neighbors, East Mt Airy Neighbors, Chestnut Hill Community Association, Pomona Cherokee Civic Council, West Chelten Neighbors RSVP Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqc-uppz4vEtBa2QQ_oQNjwuKeJQVLIHQQ Read more here: https://www.savethetrain.org

Calendar provided by The Events Calendar