Zoning Meeting


Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89908546201?pwd=UDU1aXZldktCQ2VnU285eEJqS2Fsdz09 Meeting ID: 899 0854 6201 Passcode: 943345

Zoning Meeting


Join our Zoom Meeting at 7pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84213191956?pwd=NWl3OHNWNXQ1NkFJUnZFeFJhVkkyQT09

Event Series Monthly RCO Zoning Meeting

Monthly RCO Zoning Meeting


As a Registered Community Organization (RCO), we ensure that all residents and businesses have a chance to learn about and give feedback on nearby developments that affect them. Monthly RCO Meetings: Every First Wednesday of the Month @ 7pm  

Event Series Monthly RCO Zoning Meeting

Monthly RCO Zoning Meeting


As a Registered Community Organization (RCO), we ensure that all residents and businesses have a chance to learn about and give feedback on nearby developments that affect them. Monthly RCO Meetings: Every First Wednesday of the Month @ 7pm  

Event Series Monthly RCO Zoning Meeting

Monthly RCO Zoning Meeting


As a Registered Community Organization (RCO), we ensure that all residents and businesses have a chance to learn about and give feedback on nearby developments that affect them. Monthly RCO Meetings: Every First Wednesday of the Month @ 7pm  

Event Series Monthly RCO Zoning Meeting

Monthly RCO Zoning Meeting


As a Registered Community Organization (RCO), we ensure that all residents and businesses have a chance to learn about and give feedback on nearby developments that affect them. Monthly RCO Meetings: Every First Wednesday of the Month @ 7pm  

Event Series Monthly RCO Zoning Meeting

Monthly RCO Zoning Meeting

Summit Presbyterian Church 6557 Greene Street, Philadelphia, PA

As a Registered Community Organization (RCO), we ensure that all residents and businesses have a chance to learn about and give feedback on nearby developments that affect them. Monthly RCO Meetings: Every First Wednesday of the Month @ 7pm      

Calendar provided by The Events Calendar