Safety Updates

Mt. Airy Traffic Calming Committee: Please join us, or at least slow down when you’re driving around the neighborhood!

May 19, 2022

Are you increasingly concerned that a reckless driver might hit you? Do you wish you could let your kids walk to school on their own without worrying about their safety?

It is not your imagination: reckless and aggressive driving has gotten a lot worse in the past few years. Traffic crash fatalities nationwide have risen over the past decade. Paradoxically, crash fatalities dramatically rose during pandemic lockdown when car-free residential streets allowed for reckless speeding throughout the country. With the end of lockdown, traffic fatalities unfortunately have not decreased as bad driving behaviors have become habits.

What can we as a community do to protect ourselves and our children? One answer is traffic calming. Traffic calming is the installation of measures which force drivers to slow down. Speed cushions, sidewalk bump-outs, parking protected bike lanes, re-striping road “diets”, and automated speed-cameras are some of the most effective measures to make our streets safer for people not traveling by car.

Some of the most innovative and effective traffic calming tools are parking protected bike lanes (which buffer pedestrians from traffic) and automated speed-enforcement cameras. But neither is even available for our most dangerous roads (Lincoln Drive, Stenton, Upsal, and Ardleigh) because they are only pilot programs or need additional legislation to make them available citywide. According to speakers at Philadelphia’s Vision Zero Conference on April 30th, legislation allowing for speed cameras will sunset in 2023 and a parking protected bike lanes bill (HB 140) is currently stuck in the Senate Transportation committee in Harrisburg. They will need broad public support to be put into expanded use.

Street cushions are a tried-and-true traffic calming measure that we’ve seen installed on a handful of streets in the neighborhood. Getting speed cushions on your street can be a drawn-out and complicated process. Only certain wide streets are even eligible for speed cushions. Moreover, large “arterial” streets like Lincoln Drive are prohibited from installing speed cushions at all because of the need to maintain higher commuting speeds. Even eligible streets require Philadelphia to conduct a traffic study and need councilperson backing, in addition to overwhelming neighborhood support.

In the meantime, what is a Mt Airy resident to do? Well, for one thing – you can SLOW DOWN when driving! Even when you are late to work or in a hurry.

Second, you can JOIN the Mt. Airy Traffic Calming Committee – a joint project of WMAN and EMAN. We are currently working on many strategies to make Mt Airy safer for all of us, but it’s a heavy lift, and we need as many hands as possible. Please email anne.dicker@gmail.comif you are interested in being part of the solution.

Image: Vision Source Network

Recording of Neighborhood Safety Workshop 8/27/20

August 31, 2020

On 8/27/20, EMAN and WMAN jointly hosted a talk about neighborhood safety.

Our guest speaker was Anthony Murphy, Executive Director of Integrated Town Watch Services. Anthony conducted a tremendously insightful session about staying safe in our community.

From helpful tips and tricks, to tried and true safety strategies, this video is jam-packed with information.

Neighborhood Safety Workshop 8/27/20

August 27, 2020

Just a reminder, please join WMAN and EMAN for our Community Safety Workshop taking place on Thursday, August 27th at 7 PM via Zoom.

Registration link

14th District Crime Bulletin 8/17/20-8/23/20

August 24, 2020

14th District Crime Bulletin 8/10/20-8/16-20

August 17, 2020

14th District Safety Alerts and Crime Bulletin 3/23/20-3/29-20

April 3, 2020


During the current COVID-19 pandemic, there may be an increase in criminal activities.  In particular, building security, theft from autos, and delivery worker safety are current concerns.  To date, there exist no elevated trends in these crimes, however, the potential exists and the attached flyers include suggestions to deter such crimes.  Please distribute/share accordingly.  Thank you and stay safe.

P/O Raubert Hicks #3278, 14th District Crime Prevention Officer

43 W. Haines St, Philadelphia, PA 19144

work: 215-685-2147.   fax: 215-685-2199.   email:

Stay Home, Stay Safe

April 3, 2020

Greetings WMAN Community, 

It is our greatest wish that all of you are safe and healthy. 

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Last weekend Nate Holt, West Mt. Airy resident/Committee Person and a small group of volunteers organized a food/supply drive to assist the residents of Emlen Arms Apartments. Many of the 175 residents of the PHA building are some of the most vulnerable (elderly, chronic health problems) population for COVID-19 infection.  

 In an effort to minimize their need to go out, Nate sent an appeal to friends and neighbors requesting donations of food and other essential supplies. This grass roots effort garnered an overwhelming response, so much so that Nate and his fellow volunteers reached capacity very quickly. On Sunday, they went to sixty (60) homes to pick up donations (in a socially distant responsible manner) and filled 4 cars to the brim with food and supplies for delivery to Emlen Arms.

Nate said,  “The speed with which our neighbors organized this food drive was incredible. Mt. Airy has shown me time and time again that our neighborhood is as compassionate and civically engaged as you’ll find anywhere.” 

The neighborly outreach has led to an even larger donation to Emlen Arms. Today, volunteers will unload a truck full of groceries donated by Oak Street Health, to include water, bread, toilet paper, Chef Boryardee products, Campbell’s Soup, sugar, Ritz crackers, eggs and apple juice.
In another week or two, the team of volunteers plan to organize another community food drive similar to last week. Thirty (30) households have already signed up to donate.

We commend Nate and the team of volunteers for spearheading this initiative. 

At this time of unprecedented unemployment, and the uncertainty of the duration of our stay at home order, we encourage everyone to check in on your neighbors and support one another. If you are aware of a need, or have items you wish to donate to a family in need please feel free to contact WMAN at and will do our best to help connect community members with available resources. Please use “COVID Help” in the subject line.

Also, If you experience an act of kindness/generosity that WMAN can share please contact us at  

14th District Crime Bulletin 03/23/20

March 23, 2020

Staying Safe

March 20, 2020

Dear Neighbors, 
It has already been said by so many, we are in uncharted territory. As such we are all learning and adjusting to the changes brought on by COVID-19. The Board and Staff of West Mt. Airy Neighbors hope that you and your loved one’s remain safe and healthy. We are grateful to everyone that is doing their part to flatten the curve.  
One neighbor on Nextdoor suggested we rephrase the term, social distancing, and call it “physical distancing with social solidarity”.   It has been heartwarming to read about the numerous acts of kindness that have taken place in the midst of this crisis, including grocery runs for neighbors, writing positive chalk messages in the streets during daily walks for the next passerby, to St. Patrick Day scavenger hunts for Shamrocks in the windows. Please continue to creatively connect with one another and check in on seniors and those living alone.  

When this is over,
May we never again take for granted
A handshake with a stranger
Full shelves at the store
Conversations with neighbors
A crowded theater
Friday night out
The taste of communion
A routine check-up
A school rush each morning
Coffee with a friend
The stadium roaring
Each deep breath
A boring Tuesday
Life itself.
When this ends,
May we find
That we have become
More like the people we wanted to be
We were called to be
And may we stay
That way – better
For each other
Because of the worst
Laura Kelly Fanucci
Source Word Porn

While many of our day to day activities have been halted, some obligations remain, such as the upcoming election and the 2020 Census. In additon to flattening the curve, please be sure to register to vote, participate in the upcoming Primary election. Also “be counted” by completing the 2020 Census. 

Safety Alerts and 14th Police District Crime Bulletin: 12/1/19

December 5, 2019

Now that cooler weather temperatures are upon us, many car owners are warming their vehicles up and leaving them unattended.  This practice is resulting in many car thefts.  It is recommended to always ensure that any running vehicle be occupied or closely watched to avoid vehicles being stolen.  

Theft of catalytic converters are occurring and usually is not noticed until motorist start their cars and experience a loud sound coming from their vehicle.  The main vehicles being targeted are Honda’s, however, no vehicles are exempt.  It is recommended, when possible, to park in well-lit areas or places where there is heavy foot or motor traffic.

Thieves are also stealing tires from vehicles.  Vehicles targeted are primarily newer model Toyota Camrys and Nissan Maximas, with no exception to other make and models.  It is recommended to install wheel locks and add additional car security alarm features that included tilt sensors to alert when vehicles are being lifted.