PHS Volunteers

6808 Lincoln Drive

Appeal to Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment #ZP-2022-000306, Zoning Board of Adjustment Calendar No. MI-2022-001816

WMAN RCO Meeting: 5/4/22@7:00 PM 

Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment Hearing Date: 6/8/22@2:00 PM

The appeal involves the construction of an addition to an existing accessory garage to be used as an accessory dwelling unit on the same property with an existing detached single family dwelling.

The application to the Department of Licenses and Inspections was refused for the following reasons:

The property is located in a RSD-3 Residential Zoning Classification District.

1) Accessory Dwelling Units are not permitted in the RSD-3 Zoning District.

2) An accessory structure for residential use cannot exceed 130 sq. ft. and 15 feet in height, whereas the plans propose a structure that will have 558 sq. ft. and will be 23 feet in height.

3) The floor area of an accessory dwelling unit may not exceed 800 sq. ft., whereas the plans propose a floor area of 1116 sq. ft.

4) The Zoning Code requires two side yards with a minimum of 10 feet and a total side yard area of 25 feet, whereas the proposed side yard is 1.7 feet.

Project Downloads:

Support Letter 6-7-22

Exhibit Package
Letter to Neighbors
Revised Zoning Submission