Recycling/Trash Updates

Christmas Tree Recycling

December 17, 2021

January 2, 2022 12:30 – 3:30 PM at Upsala House

Bring your Christmas tree to Historic Upsala House, 6430 Germantown Avenue, on January 2, any time between 12:30 and 3:30 PM to be recycled.

  • All decorations must be removed from trees
  • Minimum $5 donation per tree
  • Please wear a mask and remain 6 feet apart

This is jointly presented by West Mt Airy Neighbors and East Mt Airy Neighbors.

Volunteers needed to assist that afternoon! Please sign up at

Philly Leaf Recycling

November 12, 2021

A message from the Philadelphia Streets Department

2021 Philly Leaf Recycling Program
Northwest Philly Collection Dates Dec 6th – 17th
(Additional dates for Drop Off – See below for more detail)

Recycle Leaves

The Streets Department’s 2021 Philly Leaf Recycling Program begins on Monday, November 8 and runs through Saturday, December 18. The program is one of several services provided by the Streets Department to honor the City’s on-going commitment to recycling by helping to reduce the amount of materials that reach the waste stream.

Bagged leaf drop-off: During the six-week program, bagged leaf drop-off will be offered city-wide on the following Saturdays only at 13 locations from 9a-3p.

    • November 20
    • December 4
    • December 11
    • December 18

A designated fleet of sanitation compactors will be positioned at the 13 citywide locations to accept the bagged leaves. Crews are assigned to accept ONLY bagged leaves as part of the program. No household trash will be accepted.

Location  Area 
15th & Bigler Sts. South Philadelphia
43rd & Powelton Sts. West Philadelphia
4800 Wayne Ave. (Happy Hollow Rec Center) Germantown
54th & Woodbine Ave. West Philadelphia
7901 Ridgeway St. (Fox Chase Rec Center) Northeast
American & Thompson Sts. North Philadelphia
Broad & Christian Sts. South Philadelphia
Castor & Foulkrod Sts. Frankford
Cathedral St. & Ridge Ave. Northwest
Corinthian & Poplar Sts. North Philadelphia
Graver Lane & Seminole St. Northwest
Pennway St & Cottman Ave. (Jardel Rec Center) Northeast
Washington La & Ardleigh St. Northwest


Mechanical leaf collection will be provided as a supplement in areas known to have a heavy accumulation of leaves. The mechanical leaf collection operation will include leaf blowers, mechanical sweepers, and leaf loaders. Mechanical leaf collection crews will concentrate their efforts in designated boundaries each week, following a strategic schedule to maximize efficiency and productivity.

Follow these tips for bagged leaf collection:

  • Bagged leaves will only be accepted in biodegradable paper bags. These bags can be processed for recycling along with the leaves. This reduces contamination in the recycling process.
  • Do not mix trash or other recyclable materials with bagged leaves. This contaminates leaves and makes them unfit for recycling purposes.
  • Use as many bags as needed, maximum 40 lbs. each.
  • Bags may be purchased at most hardware stores. Bags are not provided by the Streets Department.
  • Bagged leaves may also be taken to any of the Sanitation Convenience Centers, Monday through Saturday from 8a-6p.
  • Leaves set out curbside, either in bags or containers, will be collected as trash, not recycling.

Follow these tips for mechanical leaf collection:

  • Check neighborhood newspaper for articles or ads
  • All leaves should be raked and ready for collection by 7:00 AM the day of mechanical collection. Rake leaves into the street by the curb’s edge (piling is not necessary). 
  • If possible, move your vehicle to an off-street parking location on your scheduled collection day, so crews can remove leaves along the curb line. 
  • Residents in mechanical areas can also drop off bagged leaves.  
  • Mechanical collection crews will visit routes only once. Residents are urged to sweep and bag any remaining leaves and set out for collection on trash day or take to any bagged drop-off locations or Sanitation Convenience Center.

There will be no collection of leaves on City holidays. During this six-week program, leaves will be collected for composting purposes, like, fertilizing gardens and nourishing trees. For more information, residents can visit or call 311.

Weekly Mechanical Cleaning Schedule below.

Week # 1: November 8 – 12 

(Oak Lane and Frankford)

Monday, November 8

  • 3rd Street to 8th Street, from Godfrey Avenue to 65th Avenue
  • 8th Street to Broad Street, from Godfrey Avenue to 65th Avenue

Tuesday, November 9

  • 3rd Street to 8th Street, from 65th Avenue to Cheltenham Avenue
  • 8th Street to Broad Street, from 65th Avenue to Cheltenham Avenue

Wednesday, November 10

  • Roosevelt Blvd to Horrocks Street, from Arrott Street to Oxford Avenue

Thursday, November 11


Friday, November 12 

  • Horrocks Street to Penn Street, from Parrott Street to Oxford Avenue

Week # 2: November 15 – 19

(West Philadelphia)

Monday, November 15

  • 72nd to 66th Streets, from Malvern Avenue to City Avenue
  • 66th to 63rd Streets, from Malvern Avenue to City Avenue

Tuesday, November 16 

  • 63rd to 58th Streets, from Upland Way to City Avenue
  • 58th to 54th Streets, from Upland Way to City Avenue

Wednesday, November 17 

  • Belmont Avenue to Lenape Road, from City Avenue to Sorrento Street & Conshohocken Avenue
  • Ford Road to Conshohocken Avenue, from Monument Road to Falls Road

Thursday, November 18

  • 54th Street to 49th Street, from Wynnefield Avenue to City Avenue
  • Wynnefield Avenue to Columbia Avenue, from 54th Street to Parkside Avenue

Friday, November 19

  • 38th to 52nd Streets from Baltimore Avenue to Spruce Street

(South Philadelphia)

Friday, November 19

    • Moyamensing Avenue, from 20th Street to Oregon Avenue
    • 17th to 22nd Street from Oregon Avenue to Ritner Street


Week # 3: November 22 – 26 


Monday, November 22

  • Worthington Road to County Line Road, from Byberry Road to County Line Road

Tuesday, November 23 

  • Verree Road to Bustleton Avenue, from Grant Avenue to Morefield Road

Wednesday, November 24 

  • Morefield Avenue to Welsh Road, from Verree Road to Pine Road

Thursday, November 25 

 Friday, November 26 

  • Welsh Road to Bloomfield Avenue, from Verree Road to Pine Road 

Week # 4: November 29 – December 3

Monday, November 29

  • Verree Road to Krewstown Road, from Rising Sun Avenue to Grant Avenue
  • Verree Road to Rising Sun Avenue, from Susquehanna Avenue to Rhawn Street 

 Tuesday, November 30 

  • Oxford Avenue to Pennway Avenue, from Cottman Avenue to Magee Street
  • Oxford Avenue to City Limits, from Cottman Avenue to Rhawn Street

Wednesday, December 1 

  • Rhawn Street to Welsh Road, from Holmes Avenue to Rowland Avenue

Thursday, December 2 

  • Bustleton Avenue to Roosevelt Boulevard, from Grant Avenue to Lott Street
  • Orchard Lane to Clarendon Road, from Knights Road to Crestmont Road

Friday, December 3 

  • Frankford Avenue to State Road, from Grant Avenue to Linden Avenue


Week # 5: December 6 – 10 


Monday, December 6 

  • Schoolhouse Lane to Queen Lane, from Henry Avenue to Wissahickon Avenue
  • Schoolhouse Lane to Indian Queen Lane, from Ridge Avenue to Henry Avenue

Tuesday, December 7 

  • Green Lane to Summit Avenue, from Henry Avenue to Ridge Avenue
  • Ridge Avenue to River Road, from Wigard Avenue to Port Royal Road

Wednesday, December 8 

  • Wissahickon Creek to Ridge Avenue, from Summit Avenue to Montgomery County Line

Thursday, December 9 

  • Bells Mills Road to Willow Grove Avenue, from Germantown Avenue to Wissahickon Creek

Friday, December 10 

  • Stenton Avenue to Germantown Avenue, from Cresheim Valley Road to Northwestern Avenue


Week # 6: December 13 – 17 


Monday, December 13

  • Willow Grove Avenue to Mermaid Lane, from Germantown Avenue to Wissahickon Creek
  • Lincoln Drive to Green Lane, from Allens Lane to Lincoln Drive

 Tuesday, December 14 

  • Green Street to Park Line, from Lincoln Drive to Allens Lane

Wednesday, December 15 

  • Stenton Avenue to Germantown Avenue, from Vernon Road to Washington Lane
  • Lincoln Drive to Germantown Avenue, from Upsal Street to Allens Lane

Thursday, December 16 

  • Vernon Road to Cresheim Valley Road, from Stenton Avenue to Germantown Avenue

Friday, December 17 

  • Thouron Street to Stenton Avenue, from Washington Lane to Ivy Hill Road

Help Keep Mt. Airy Litter Free

October 25, 2021

Help Keep Mt. Airy Litter Free:


Trash Talk Flyer

It takes a team to keep it clean

Mt Airy Trash Team

E-mail for more information about the Mt. Airy Trash Team –

Earn Weaver’s Way Membership hours by picking up litter. Add your hours with this form.

Follow MATT on Instagram for group pick-up updates – @mtairytrashteam

Recycling Collections Reduced to Every Other Week Pickup

April 8, 2020

PHILADELPHIA – As the City continues to address the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, the Streets Department has been challenged with maintaining trash and recycling collection on a consistent schedule. Effective Monday, April 6th, the Philadelphia Department of Streets introduces additional changes to its operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recycling materials will be collected on an every other week schedule. Residents should hold their recycling materials for the week of Monday, April 6th through Saturday, April 11th. Recycling collections will resume on Monday, April 13th with every other week collections through May 15th or further.

Regular trash collections will continue on or as close to its normal schedule as possible. Residents should expect some delays as the health crisis continues to have an impact on employee attendance. There will be no trash collections on Friday, April 10th in honor of the Good Friday holiday.

Residents should set recycling out on their scheduled day, but only on the weeks listed on the modified collection schedule. Recycling will be collected at the regular pick up site. Residents are urged to use lids for recycling bins to prevent debris from blowing away. Lids for City-issued recycling bins can be picked up from the Sanitation Convenience Centers. Sanitation Convenience Centers will remain open on the following modified schedule for residents to dispose of items from Tuesday through Saturday, between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

Residents should continue to set trash out on their normal collection day at the regular pick up site. Residents are urged to use lids for trash cans and bags should be tied tightly to prevent debris from blowing away.

The schedule below reflects the new changes in recycling operations:

April 6th – April 11th. Trash Collections only

Friday, April 10th No collections – Good Friday Holiday

April 13th – April 17th Trash & Recycling Collections

April 20th – April 24th Trash Collections only

April 27th – May 1st. Trash & Recycling Collections

May 4th – May 8th Trash Collections Only

May 11th – May 15th Trash & Recycling Collections

While delivering on-time collection services remains an essential core service, residents are asked for their patience and cooperation while we work to deliver service. The Streets Department thanks its employees for their dedication and commitment during these unprecedented times.

Contact: Keisha McCarty-Skelton (215) 906-6794 /

Crystal Jacobs Shipman (215) 200-6324 /

Alert: Trash and Recycling Collections Are Currently One Day Behind

April 2, 2020

ALERT : Apr 02, 2020 – Trash and recycling collections are currently one day behind

Trash collections are currently one day behind. Residents should continue to place their materials out on their regularly scheduled day at their normal pickup location. 
Recycling materials will be collected on an every other week schedule. Residents should hold their recycling materials for the week of Monday, April 6th through Saturday, April 11th. Recycling collections will resume on Monday, April 13th with every other week collections through May 15th or further. 
Sanitation Convenience Centers are currently open Tuesday through Saturday from 8am to 8pm during the City’s COVID-19 response. 
We thank residents for their patience as we work to maintain trash and recycling collections on a consistent schedule and crews work safe and quickly as possible during these unprecedented times to deliver these services. For more info

Leaf Pickup

December 12, 2019

“The Leaf Recycling Program is one of several services provided by the Streets Department to honor the City’s on-going commitment to recycling. This recycling program helps to reduce the amount of materials that reach the waste stream and saves landfill space. Mechanical collection and bagged drop-off services are provided.”

People who want to assure their leaves are composted – not trashed – have two choices for participating:

1.   BAGGED LEAF DROP OFF:  Drop off your leavesbagged in large brown biodegradable paper bags only (not plastic bags) at any of the four Northwest locations noted below anytime from 9 am to 3 pm – on either Saturday, Dec 14 or 21. A designated fleet of sanitation compactors will be positioned at the sites to accept the bagged leaves. Crews assigned to accept ONLY bagged leaves and yard waste as part of the program. No household rubbish will be accepted.

Saturday Drop-Off Locations – 9-3:
– 4800 Wayne Ave. (Happy Hollow Recreation Ctr)
– Cathedral St. & Ridge Ave.
– Gravers Lane & Seminole St.
– Washington Ln. & Ardleigh St.

Bagged leaf drop-off collection tips:

  • Residents must place leaves in large brown biodegradable paper bags. Using these bags helps eliminates the extensive process of ripping open, dumping, and disposing of plastic bags.
  • Never mix trash or other recyclable materials with bagged leaves. This contaminates leaves and makes them unfit for recycling purposes. (NEVER PUT PLASTIC BAGS IN RECYCLE BINS.)

2.    MECHANICAL LEAF COLLECTION:   Mechanical leaf collection (= looks like a giant vacuum cleaner) is provided as a supplement to bagged collections in areas identified as having heavy accumulations of leaves and will be offered on a designated weekly schedule in areas with a heavy concentration of leaves.  (This is due to occur in our area next week:  Dec 16 to Dec 21, according to the attached map. It appears they will cover streets south of Allen Lane. It does not appear to include the streets around Houston School – although I recall they came in past.

  • All leaves should be raked (un-bagged) and ready for collection by 7:00 AM the day of mechanical collection. Rake leaves into the street by the curb’s edge (piling is not necessary).  
  • If possible, move your vehicle to an off-street parking location on your scheduled collection day, so crews can remove leaves along the curb line.
  • Residents in mechanical areas can also drop-off bagged leaves.

Click here for more information and a map of areas receiving mechanical collection.